Thursday, July 12, 2007


Disclaimer: This is just me nit-picking for details.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is one big disappointment for me -- the translation from the book to the movie had a lot of variance. There were many things added, and there was much more taken out. While I understand that it's quite impossible to incorporate all 870 pages worth of details into a 2-hr movie, it would have been better if some points in the book were retained. Here are a few:
- The screaming painting of Sirius's mother and the elf heads on the wall. Where were they?
- Ron and Hermione are prefects - this would have been interesting on screen. I'd like to see how Radcliffe would pull off the I'm-happy-for-you-but-I'm-jealous look.
- Cho Chang's friend being the traitor instead of Cho herself. I don't like Katie Leung (she's not as beautiful as I thought Cho was from the book), but I felt sorry for her character on-screen.

- Grawp as a violent giant, not as a stupid troll. "WHERE HAGGER?"
- a bit more detail about the Order of the Phoenix. Afterall, the book/movie is not "Harry Potter and Dumbledore's Army"
- Dobby telling Potter about the Room of Requirements. I've noticed that they chucked out Dobby since the fourth movie... what's up with that?
- Avada Kedavra was not the spell used on Sirius. The scene was open-ended, yeah, but still...
- Trewlaney giving the prophecy
- The long talk with Dumbledore in the end. I don't think a simple "I care too much about you" gave justice to the usually enlightening end of the movie. The professor would have explained what the hell the prophecy was for.
- Finally, where was "WEASLEY IS OUR KING"? Come on!!!! I was waiting for that!!!

At the end of the movie, all I could say was, "That's it?" If I didn't read the book, I would have wondered what on earth the prophecy was for, and what's the big deal about it. Cho would be a scumbag, Kreacher is just an old loyal elf, Luna might have a crush on Harry and... what was the Order of the Phoenix again?


To give credit to the film, the cast did pretty well. The performance of Daniel Radcliffe(Harry), Emma Watson(Hermione) and Rupert Grint(Ron) have improved since the fourth movie. Alan Rickman (Snape) and Maggie Smith(McGonagall) are great as usual. Imelda Staunton (Umbridge) really impressed me - she was both freaky and annoying. Ralph Fiennes (Voldemort) was over the top as usual, though the way he held his wand was a bit off O_o

So... yeah. Here's to hoping the sixth movie will be better.

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