Tuesday, March 20, 2007


A German client and a witty officemate (who says the oddest comments) had a conversation:

German Client: Hey, you know, I saw 300. It was good!
Witty Officemate: Really? 300?
GC: Yes!
WO: 300? 300 pesos?
GC: No, 300 the movie...
us: O_o

I was never familiar with the Greek history. The only thing I knew about Sparta was they made lousy uncomfortable beds for Sims and Leonidas is a store which sells their expensive chocolate per gram. Anyways, I did some reading after I watched this fabulous movie. Turns out that they intentionally altered history such that the Spartans will look like yummy man-candy (which they are, especially Gerard Butler...) and Xerxes is an eye-liner loving self-proclaimed god. It wouldn't be half as fab if the Spartans wore 60lb-armors and Xerxes sported a beard, right?

The movie is very indulgent - with many slow-mo scenes that will make you go either 'eww' or O_o or 'wow'. It was definitely the 'eww' for the love scenes and the unnecessary jiggle of Queen Gorgo's breasts, every scene with Xerxes in it made me go O_o, but the fight scenes earned the 'wow'! I am always squirmish, but I watched every fight scene with full attention. It was so different from other war movies and fight scenes. It was odd in a way Kill Bill is odd, but so much better. (Maybe the Spartans made it better? haha)

It was a movie worth watching again - and I *rarely* watch movies more than once. I hope it's still showing when Mike comes back, because I would love to drool over those fabulous abs and laugh again when I hear Xerxes's altered voice.

Obviously, I don't care much about the alteration of history. I just appreciate the production and all the visuals that went into this film. It was a feast for the senses! Watch it and know why everyone is talking about it ;)

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Gawa kang blog!!

That's what my friend Diorie always say when we have rant sessions about work. Here you go Dio, this post is for you :)

I adulterated Alan's latest post to reflect my sentiments about work. Ice Cube will be so proud of me!!! Quoting Alan:
They remarked that the Philippines is becoming a country of junior software engineers. Most senior software engineers are abroad(Singapore and US being the favorite) creating a vacuum in the Philippine job market. The good news is it is raising the salaries of senior software engineers.
Here is my version:
They remarked that DB Cargo is becoming a country of junior software engineers. Most senior software engineers are abroad(Germany being the favorite) or in some other project, creating a vacuum in the project. The good news is that the first 5 are still here.
Oh yeah, how could I forget. Di na pala "junior software engineer". Associate na raw. Sus....