Thursday, August 18, 2005

*rant* :'(

i've been up for 22 hours now, and i still have to work (and attend something i don't even want to be part of)... so basically, i have to stay awake for at least 5 hours more.

you know what? it just makes me think.... what do i get out of this? the obvious reasons are: i will get paid, i can get my clearance, and it's a way to stay out of the house. but why am i not happy? i feel like i'm just doing everything i do... just because. wala lang.

i'm feeling a lot of pressure at home so i wanna go out as often and as long as i want. i got a part time job (and i'm happy with what i'm doing there) but in the process, i got overworked. working from 10am-9am is REALLY tiring. do note that i am not yet counting travel time... so yeah....

supposedly i earn more money (i havent received a paycheck from tfi yet) , i spend less time at home and i get more work experience. kaya lang, pagod na ko. it's like an endless cycle. buti na lang sa sabado i get to stay at home to sleep. i do hope nobody wakes me up when i get home. oh wait... may medical pala ako sa sabado. so much for my rest day....

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