when do you say enough is enough?
how do you know it's time to call it quits?
how do you know you've reached your limits, and that the other person simply loves you so he lets things pass?
how can you tell him, "this is not how i want to be loved"?
how do you say that you wish he would just stop doing the things that irritate you?
does he also wish i were a bit different?
how can i tell him that his smoking bugs the shit out of me?
how can i say that i feel i'm giving a lot, and i hope he would also do the same?
how do i let him know i'm sick and tired of financial problems?
is he hiding something from me?
just how important are his accounts to him?
are they more important than i am?
why are the simplest things very hard to give?
why is it that i give everything.... yet i dont feel i even get half in return?
am i not worth it?
is it bad to ask for more?
why do i feel it's unfair for me?
why do i feel i'm the one who always wants sincere affection?
how do i teach myself not to get hurt?
how i do convince myself to just go with the flow?......